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Portsmouth, Southampton, Basingstoke

We have many locations in Hampshire from woodlands, rivers, sunflower fields and more. Join our group shoots which are all about getting back to nature, refilling your cup, connecting with other women and most importantly, reconnecting with yourself.



Lavender isn't just for the family! Enjoy the summery day surrounded by fields of purple in sweeping chiffon dresses or sweet lace lingerie. Relax among the soft scent of lavender as you wander up the fields and sit along the lines as the sun begins to set. If nothing else, Lavender will always be a magical Liberty. 


Celebrate you, and celebrate the summer with our delightfully sunny corn shoot. Surrounded by fields of gold and an ever-blue sky, think natural beauty, wavy hair and boho lingerie. It is the perfect shoot for summer, giving you a few hours of calm space with lovely ladies and a golden opportunity to rediscover you, in one of the most hectic times of the year.